First, can you state how old you think the earth is? Then at least we know what we're discussing.
Still waiting for an answer.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
First, can you state how old you think the earth is? Then at least we know what we're discussing.
Still waiting for an answer.
in response to the 37 threads in my evolution is a fact series - see bottom of op for links - perry posted a link to an article "44 reasons why evolution isn't true".. i offered him a challenge on the thread and by pm.
predictably he is totally ignoring it, so i am offering the challenge to any evolution-denier who thinks they have evidence to support their position.. please present one specific piece of evidence for creationism.. my task will be to refute it with evidence within 24 hours.. then i will present one piece of evidence for evolution and your challenge will be the same.. all posts must be as succinct as reasonably possible.
entirely in your own words, without copy-paste, videos or links.. please post your interest to take part and we will set it up before the first actual post in the exchange.
Do you realize the difference here? I entertain all options (as a true scientist should), whereas you will entertain only a single option. To you it's either your beloved evolution or bust
If the process discussed can not yet be explained by our current knowledge, the correct position would be "we don't know". Claiming that a designer for that process must exist is very much premature unless that designer is proven to exist, or until any and all possible alternative explanations have been proven wrong.
The former has not been done yet, the latter is impossible.
So instead of claiming ID, you should await future discoveries. That is open minded.
I am very much sure that Cofty and all other people who now accept that evolution is supported by incredibly many facts and observations, would change their view as soon as a theory comes along that even better explains all the evidence. But given the fact that there there is currently no evidence that contradicts the theory of evolution, it highly unlikely that that will ever happen.
Also, while Cofty's challenge proves that apparently no creationist here can point to any verifiable evidence that the creation myth is literal truth, being able to cast doubt on our current understanding of how 1 or 2 processes came into existence does not invalidate the theory of evolution as the preferred scientific explanation of all relevant facts we know about. And it certainly does not proves creation must be true.
i've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
Thanks for sharing. I do believe you have had these experiences.
As for the explanation of their nature or cause, I won't quickly assume those were demon experiences. Just like I don't readily assume that those who experienced an abduction by aliens were actually abducted by aliens. (I hope this analogy doesn't offend you)
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
I believe that I have shown. that truth does [not] change because it cannot be proven. It continues to exist as truth believe it or not and free from any evidence.
[Not] added by me as I think that's what you meant to say?
I have not disagreed with the premise that truth is true regardless of our observations, opinions and emotions.
However, what good is a truth that cannot be observed? That truth might just as well not exist, or not be true at all.
A truth that cannot be discovered, proven or even observed is, for all intents and purposes, not true.
How do we verify the correctness of something claimed as truth?
With regards to the existence of gods, many truths have been and are claimed to exist. These claimed truths contradict each other, and obviously they can't all be true.
As long as nobody presents any decent evidence that their claim to know the truth about he existence of gods is actually true, it might just as well not be true.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Perry, nice to finally see you stay for the debate instead of just copy-paste-and-run ;-)
First, can you state how old you think the earth is? Then at least we know what we're discussing.
Then can you explain how the age of stalactites is relevant to the determination of the age of the earth? Is there any evidence that the earth cannot be older than the oldest (or youngest) stalactites?
.... i just looked through some videos on the scientology and the mormon youtube channels.animated whiteboard animations, bad acting, compelling's all the same as the other way around.the similarity is very striking to me.
i wonder why that is....
Hmm for some reason my link to the Mormon whiteboard animation is converted into a Mormon Prophet Elder trying to convince young prefab Mormons to actually read their book some day ...
.... i just looked through some videos on the scientology and the mormon youtube channels.animated whiteboard animations, bad acting, compelling's all the same as the other way around.the similarity is very striking to me.
i wonder why that is....
I just looked through some videos on the Scientology and the Mormon Youtube channels.
Animated whiteboard animations, bad acting, compelling's all the same as the other way around.
The similarity is very striking to me.
I wonder why that is...
in a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
<sarcasm>Yeah right, as if anyone would get that</sarcasm>
in response to the 37 threads in my evolution is a fact series - see bottom of op for links - perry posted a link to an article "44 reasons why evolution isn't true".. i offered him a challenge on the thread and by pm.
predictably he is totally ignoring it, so i am offering the challenge to any evolution-denier who thinks they have evidence to support their position.. please present one specific piece of evidence for creationism.. my task will be to refute it with evidence within 24 hours.. then i will present one piece of evidence for evolution and your challenge will be the same.. all posts must be as succinct as reasonably possible.
entirely in your own words, without copy-paste, videos or links.. please post your interest to take part and we will set it up before the first actual post in the exchange.
Well said LisaRose.
I'll add to that that in my case, finding out that the JW literature on evolution/creation is utterly dishonest, full of fallacies and completely fails to make a case for creation was instrumental in me finding out TTATT and leaving the religion.
If God's own ssupposed pokesmen cannot get the interpretation of the first chapter of the Bible right, they're not very trustworthy....
And for all the creationists out there: ever wonder why all you do is criticized evolution, but you never present actual evidence for creation?
Why has nobody taken this perfect chance to shut up Cofty, who taunts your Creator?
Why is it that you can only come up with thoughts and conjectures, while thousands of exhibits in musea, millions of scientific papers and loads of evidence can be shown to support the theory of evolution?
so after almost a year of complete inactivity and non attendance, i ran into a nice brother from the local congregation.. after some nice chit-chat, he says "we really miss you and your were always the kind and supportive one, the approachable and encouraging one in the congregation.
your absence has confused so many".
i thanked him and said "oh no, no individual has stumbled us.
Jup, heard the same from different persons.
"Come back soon. Don't think too much!"
"Anders, your wise. Too wise."